What Are the Signs of Hair Loss in Men and Women?
- Posted on: Apr 15 2019
If you’re concerned about losing your hair, you’re not alone. Hair loss affects millions of Americans, both male and female, every year. And, sometimes we don’t even realize it. You may not be concerned to find hair in your hairbrush, because it’s normal. But, the amount in your hairbrush could be more excessive, and a sign that something else is amiss. Keep reading to learn more about hair loss in both men and women.
The signs of hair loss and actual hair loss conditions vary between men, women and even children. However, people of any age or sex may start to notice more hair than normal collecting in the shower drain, or coming out when they brush their hair.
The signs of hair loss and hair conditions in men may include:
-Thinning hair on the top of the scalp
-Receding hairline
-Horseshoe-shaped pattern that exposes the crown of the head
Though similar, signs of hair loss in women will look slightly different.
Signs of hair loss and hair conditions in women could include:
-Hair thinning, focused at the crown of the head
-General thinning of the hair
Also, you don’t need to be old, or even very old, to start losing your hair. This could be linked to other health issues, and should be reported to a doctor as soon as you’re made aware of the issue.
Signs of hair loss and hair conditions in children and young adults to watch out for include:
-Sudden loss of patches of hair
-Loss of all hair on the body
-Patches of broken hairs and incomplete hair loss on the scalp or eyebrows
-Excessive shedding of hair after various illnesses or drug treatments, rapid weight loss, anemia, or stress
If you or your child have a sudden loss of patches of hair or have patches of broken hairs and incomplete hair loss on the scalp or eyebrows, hair restoration is possible, you should consult a doctor.
If you want to learn more about hair loss, we can help. Give us a call at 732.914.2233 for our Toms River location or 732.449.2099 to schedule a consultation at our Mansquan location.
Posted in: Hair Restoration