BOTOX® Cosmetic in Toms River & Manasquan, NJ

The wrinkles caused by the everyday smile, laughing and frowning are the result of muscular contraction. The facial muscles have threads of attachments to the skin. When the muscles contract, the skin buckles, resulting in the mimetic wrinkles. The more you show your emotions, the deeper and more wrinkled you appear. We have been relatively unsuccessful treating these deeper mimetic wrinkles until now. The most recent advance is a procedure known as cosmetic denervation using BOTOX® Cosmetic. This is used to improve and soften the appearance of crow’s feet, frown lines, laugh lines, and other dynamic wrinkles.
How Does BOTOX® Cosmetic Work?
BOTOX® Cosmetic works by blocking the neural impulses to fine muscles which pull the skin; this denervation relaxes the muscles and prevents contraction. While the remaining larger facial musculature provides facial expression, the overlying skin is smoother in appearance and less wrinkled. BOTOX® Cosmetic has been used safely and successfully for many years in treating voice disorders, ophthalmologic and neurological disorders. Now it is rapidly becoming a popular treatment to erase some of the signs of aging. Frequently, it is combined with other simple procedures such as laser resurfacing or eyelid procedures to provide optimal results.
BOTOX® Candidates
BOTOX® is suitable for a wide range of patients. Consider BOTOX® if you:
- Want to reduce the appearance of crow’s feet.
- Want to lift downturned corners of the mouth.
- Have frown lines permanently etched between your brows.
- Notice deep creases around the eyes or on the forehead when you smile or squint.
- Want to postpone the onset of aging on the upper part of the face.
The BOTOX® Consultation With Dr. Wayne Foster
What Age Is Too Young For BOTOX®?
Initially, BOTOX® was used to reduce the appearance of dynamic lines and wrinkles that had already become permanent. Dynamic wrinkles are those that usually appear when we laugh, frown, cry, or squint. They are caused by muscle movement. As the skin ages and loses resiliency through collagen and elastin depletion, these lines become more prominent and more permanent. By reducing muscle contractions, BOTOX® smooths out dynamic wrinkles.
In recent years, the use of BOTOX® has extended into an area commonly referred to as “prejuvenation.” This use includes the conservative treatment of areas where dynamic wrinkles will eventually form, such as around the eyes or between the brows. This proactive use of BOTOX® often begins during a person’s twenties or early thirties.
Do BOTOX® Injections Hurt?
BOTOX® treatment involves several injections made across a treatment area, such as the forehead or at the outer edges of the eyes. The needle with which injections are administered is very small. Therefore, most patients experience only a slight, momentary pinch with each injection.
If you are concerned about discomfort, let us know. We can discuss the use of a local numbing cream or a cold pack to help you tolerate your treatment with minimal pain if any at all.
The BOTOX® Procedure
Does BOTOX® Injections Get Rid of All Wrinkles?
Following this treatment, dynamic mimetic wrinkles can be smoothed and softened in appearance, providing a more youthful look. However, it does not improve wrinkles and actinic changes caused by aging, sun damage, and cigarette smoking, since they are not related to muscular motion. Furthermore, bagging and sagging skin, usually treated with eyelid surgery or facelift surgery, is not improved with cosmetic denervation.
Will I Be Able to Move My Face After My BOTOX® Treatment?
Yes. The belief that BOTOX® will prevent all facial expression is a myth. As doctors have become more familiar with the effects of neuromodulators like BOTOX®, usage has become more conservative. It is possible to get more BOTOX® if initial results are not as dramatic as you would like. Our objective in performing this injectable treatment is to refresh the face without affecting its natural beauty.
Am I a Suitable Candidate for Botox®?
Patients who are starting to show the first signs of aging around the eyes, forehead, and deepened nasolabial folds are suitable candidates for Botox®. They are in good health without underlying neurological disorders, such as Multiple Sclerosis or ALS. Suitable candidates also understand that Botox is not a substitute for more invasive procedures, such as a facelift or surgical brow lift.
What Are the Side Effects of Botox®?
Although rare, there are possible side effects associated with Botox® injections. In addition to possible eye droop when injected into the brow, you may experience an undesired aesthetic effect, like looking too frozen or having a lopsided smile. Both possible side effects can be avoided by only seeking treatment with a board-certified cosmetic surgeon, physician, or dermatologist.
When Will I See Result From Botox® Injections?
Most patients start to see the results from Botox® injections between seven to 14 days after injection. The full effect should be evident within a month. However, you can return for a touchup if it appears that you need additional units.
If you are sensitive to getting injections, a topical anesthetic can be applied to keep you comfortable during treatment. Any discomfort you have will quickly subside after treatment.
Is Botox® Safe?
Yes, when administered by a licensed medical professional, Botox® is an extremely safe and effective treatment for reducing the signs of aging. However, just like other cosmetic treatments, it does come with the rare risks of side effects. These risks include the following:
- Bruising at the incision site.
- Redness and swelling.
- Undesired cosmetic result.
- Eye droop.
- Rare allergic reactions.
- Muscle weakness.
BOTOX® vs Dysport
BOTOX® and Dysport are comparable products as they are both contain botulinum toxin. Both are good for treating facial wrinkles but BOTOX® is seen to provide better results. With BOTOX®, the patient will need less treatments than Dysport to get the same desired effect. BOTOX® is a larger sized molecule than Dysport so a patient will usually need 40 units of Dysport to get the same effect as 20 units of BOTOX®.
Is There Downtime After Getting Botox®?
No. You can resume regular activities immediately after Botox® injections. You should avoid lying down for at least four hours to reduce the risk of Botox spreading out of the treatment areas. In addition, you should avoid working out for at twenty-hours after treatment. This ensures that the Botox remains only in the treatment areas and does not spread.
What’s The Difference Between BOTOX® and Dermal Fillers?
BOTOX® and dermal fillers have very different effects on tissue even though the general outcome of each treatment is facial rejuvenation. When we introduce BOTOX® into the superficial muscle beneath the skin, it prevents neurotransmission that causes that muscle to contract. This leads to smoother skin. Dermal fillers introduce substances like hyaluronic acid into the space between the epidermis and the dermis. The organic chemicals in dermal fillers provide a cushion here, which plumps overlying skin.
How Long Do BOTOX® Results Last?
BOTOX® Cosmetic treatments provide a temporary treatment for the mimetic muscles, lasting up to four months. Initially, you will need treatments four times a year. Fortunately, early studies conclude that the effective duration of the treatments increases with time, therefore requiring less frequent treatments in the future.
How Often Do I Need BOTOX® Treatments?
Each BOTOX® treatment achieves results that last between three and six months. Repeat treatments may be performed based on your desired maintenance schedule.
Schedule a Consultation
Are you starting to notice wrinkles on your face? BOTOX® is a great treatment to help improve these signs of aging. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Foster, call (732) 914-2233 for our Toms River location or call (732) 449-2099 for our Manasquan location. We serve Monmouth County, Ocean County, and surrounding areas in New Jersey.