What Is A Secondary Facelift?
- Posted on: May 15 2023
The facelift is an age-old option for turning “back the clock.” The procedure typically involves removing layers of fat or tightening the muscles and tissues of the face to craft a smoother, more youthful appearance. Your results can last a decade or more, offering a long-term solution for looking younger.
And while a facelift can minimize the physical signs of aging, the procedure cannot stop the clock. The natural aging process can eventually diminish the effects of a facelift, depending on the age at which you had your first procedure. How do we address this skin rebound? A procedure called a secondary facelift—often a “mini-lift,” compared to your first treatment.
Why Do I Need a Secondary Facelift?
Not every patient should plan for a secondary facelift. The procedure can be part of maintaining results from an initial facelift—sometimes called a “tuck-up.” Patients who undergo a facelift at a young age might opt for tuck-up procedures to preserve their results. This is a very individualized choice and not required.
Individuals with excessive skin sagging or looseness might also consider a secondary lift. The second procedure can help achieve better results with lasting effects. In this case, FosterMD can perform the procedure as soon as six to twelve months after your initial surgery. Your care team will work closely with you to determine the right course of action based on your desired outcomes.
Is the Second Procedure Harder to Recover From?
In contrast, our patients report their secondary tuck-up procedures easier. This second-round surgery tends to be less invasive than the first—making minor edits rather than starting all over. Your provider can often reuse the old incisions and scars, which heal well. In addition, tuck-up procedures deliver longer-lasting results and are more affordable than the original facelift.
Like any medical procedure, it is important to consider the benefits and potential risks of your tuck-up procedure. During your consultation, the expert team at FosterMD will review your past facelift experience and discuss your personal goals for a secondary procedure. Schedule your appointment with our New Jersey team in Toms River (732-914-2233) or Manasquan (732-449-2099). Or visit us online at www.fostermd.com to request an appointment.
Posted in: Facelift