Chin Augmentation in Toms River & Manasquan, NJ
It is not unusual that during a consultation for a rhinoplasty, the surgeon may recommend the improvement of a receding chin. This occurs because the facial surgeon does not think of the nose as an isolated feature, but rather as an integral component of the entire face. In evaluating the aesthetic proportions of the face, plastic surgeons think in terms of the best possible profile obtainable for the individual.
What Is Chin Augmentation?
Chin augmentation or chin enhancement is a procedure that can alter the underlying structure of the face. This can provide a better balance to the facial features. The medical terms genioplasty and mentoplasty are used to refer to the addition and reduction of the patient’s chin.
Candidates For Chin Enhancement Surgery
Chin augmentation is for patients of good health and could benefit from the procedure. Usually, the patient will have a receding chin.
What are Chin Implants?
Chin implants are used to build a better facial profile. Implants can be made from the patients own bone or made from synthetic materials like silicone.
Non-Surgical Chin Augmentation
Surgery is no longer indicated for chin augmentation. Injectable fillers can be used to provide volume to the face. The desired results are achieved in minutes, with no downtime.
Benefits of Chin Augmentation
Chin augmentation can help produce noticeable changes in the face by building up the profile of the face. Chin augmentation can also help align the entire jaw and teeth.
How is Chin Implant Surgery Performed?
Once anesthesia has been administered, the augmentation procedure commences with the creation of a discreet incision. Your incision, as decided during your consultation, will be placed in the crease just under your chin or inside the mouth where the teeth and the lower lip meet. The implant, carefully selected to perfectly shape your chin, is inserted through the incision. It sits in a pocket of tissue and forms to the chin bone.
What is Recovery Like after Chin Implant Surgery?
Bruising and swelling are normal side effects that may occur after after your chin augmentation surgery. You may have a bandage over the incision as well as a gentle compression garment that wraps around your head. In addition to compression, your swelling can be managed by sleeping in an elevated position. You may stack pillows or sleep in a recliner to prevent fluid accumulation in the surgical area.
You may feel well enough to return to work about one week after your chin augmentation surgery. That said, you may be advised to postpone any strenuous physical activity for four to six weeks to allow complete, undisrupted healing.
Are Fillers a Better Option for Chin Augmentation than an Implant?
The development of structural dermal fillers has made it possible to address issues like a weak chin and other anatomical flaws. Each option has advantages and disadvantages, which you may want to discuss during your consultation. We offer both surgical and nonsurgical forms of chin augmentation, so place zero pressure on your decision. Our role is to thoroughly explain your options so you can make the best choice for your needs.Seeing dermal fillers and surgical chin augmentation as equal in terms of suitability, we can explore what each has to offer. Dermal fillers are advantageous in their immediate results and zero downtime. Being an injectable treatment, dermal filler chin augmentation doesn’t incur scars and it doesn’t require anesthesia. On the downside, injectable chin augmentation only lasts a couple of years at most. Surgical chin augmentation, on the other hand, can last your lifetime after your brief recovery period.
Why Is Rhinoplasty Usually Preformed With Chin Augmentation?
Generally speaking, when seen in profile, the chin should nearly touch a vertical line drawn from the lower lip. If only a rhinoplasty is completed, while the chin is too weak and the forehead slanted, the facial profile will come to a “point” at the nose. In this case, you may be advised against rhinoplasty unless chin projection is increased at the same time.
Side Effects of Chin Enhancement
As with any surgery, there can be complications, although rare, some include:
- swelling
- hematoma
- weakness or numbness of the lower lip (which usually does not last long)
- Infection
- Implant displacement