Who Can NeoGraft™ Hair Transplantation Help?
- Posted on: Jul 15 2023
Hair is an important part of self-expression, self-identity, and confidence. That’s why experiencing hair loss, especially at a young age, can be distressing and psychologically discouraging. However, NeoGraft™ Hair Transplantation is an innovative hair transplant treatment that can help with hair loss. NeoGraft hair transplantation is a minimally invasive option to hair transplant surgery that requires no sutures, is more effective than traditional options, has a shorter recovery time, and is a more comfortable procedure. Let’s explore what types of hair loss NeoGraft hair transplantation can help.
Male Pattern Baldness
Male pattern baldness is one of the most common reasons for early hair loss in men. Male pattern baldness causes thinning of the hair at the crown, receding of the hairline, and thinning of the hair at the temples. It is common to see the first signs of hair loss by 21 and have lost significant amounts of hair by 50. This is believed to be caused by genetics and a hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT).
Burned Skin
Burned skin does not behave the same way that normal skin does. Burned skin or burn scars will often destroy hair follicles. While some hair follicles may survive a burn, it will often cause baldness or incredibly thin hair.
Radiation can come from nuclear sources or even the sun. Radiation from many sources can damage hair follicles and lead to balding or thin hair. Your skin naturally protects itself from UV radiation to a degree. However, extended UV radiation can lead to hair loss, among other issues. You are at a higher risk of developing hair loss if you work in professions where you are around sources of radiation, like an x-ray technician or work at a nuclear power plant.
How NeoGraft Can Help
Hair loss is never an easy emotional process. This is especially true if you’ve lost your hair due to an accident, infection, burns, or radiation. Dealing with emotional trauma from these events shouldn’t have to be compounded with permanent hair loss. Thankfully, here at FosterMD, we provide NeoGraft hair transplantation to restore your hair loss. Our staff will walk you through the entire process and help you understand what to expect and see if NeoGraft is right for you. If you are suffering from hair loss, then contact FosterMD at 732-449-2099 for the Monmouth County location and 732-914-2233 for the Ocean County location.
Posted in: Hair Restoration