How Do I Know if I Am a Candidate for DYSPORT®?
- Posted on: Feb 15 2024
Have you noticed more lines, wrinkles, and folds making subtle appearances on your face recently? While the natural aging process plays a role, repeated facial movements also gradually etch creases into the skin over time. If you feel your frown, forehead, crow’s feet, or other facial wrinkles now draw more attention than you would like or make you appear tired, angry, or older than you feel, DYSPORT® may be able to help.
How Do I Know if I Am a Candidate for DYSPORT®?
When determining whether DYSPORT® is right for you, it is important to ask yourself the following questions.
What Is the Cause of My Facial Wrinkles?
DYSPORT® and other neuromodulators work by targeting dynamic wrinkles caused by facial expressions rather than wrinkles that persist even when your face is at rest. Frown lines between the eyebrows, horizontal forehead creases that will not disappear when you stop raising your brows, crow’s feet that crinkle when you smile or squint, and other moving wrinkles, respond best to muscle-relaxing injections. DYSPORT® relaxes the underlying muscle contractions to soften these lines.
Do I Dislike How My Facial Expressions Make Me Appear?
Many first consider wrinkle-relaxing neuromodulators like DYSPORT® when they feel their face no longer matches how they feel inside. Over time, facial movements etch lines into the skin that make some people begin to look angry, stressed, unapproachable, or just plain older than their years, even when none of that is true. If you dislike how your facial expressions come across, reducing muscle movements that carved those crevices with DYSPORT® can help restore a more accurate reflection.
Do People Comment on My Frowning, Squinting, or Raising Eyebrows?
The frequency and intensity of certain innate facial movements also impact wrinkle formation regardless of age. Some people develop etched-in frown furrows, forehead lines, and crow’s feet earlier simply because they raise their eyebrows more often or squint in sunlight more frequently than others. If people are constantly asking if you are upset or remarking on your wrinkled forehead, those habitual facial motions are likely to contribute. Smoothing specific overused wrinkles with targeted DYSPORT® injections could help reduce unwanted expressions.
Am I a Good Candidate?
Trying an injectable treatment like DYSPORT® for the first time involves an exciting leap of faith. If any of the questions above describe situations that you have dealt with, then this treatment may be right for you.
Ideal candidates are healthy without any neuromuscular conditions, have reasonable expectations about gradual improvements, and are prepared to follow proper aftercare to allow results to emerge.
Schedule a Consultation Today
DYSPORT® can help provide you with the relief you desire. If you would like to discuss this treatment option, contact our team at FosterMD today by calling 732-914-2233 to schedule an appointment. Dr. Wayne P. Foster has extensive experience helping individuals across Manasquan, NJ, achieve favorable results with trusted and effective treatment options. Contact Dr. Foster today to determine if DYSPORT® is right for you.
Posted in: Injectables